Arkansas Razorbacks Chicago Bars

Chicago Arkansas Razorbacks bars for local or out-of-state fans are listed below. The Arkansas Razorbacks 2022-23 schedule on the right shows the next time Arkansas Razorbacks plays. Chicago Arkansas Razorbacks fans, go out and show your support!

Arkansas Razorbacks Bars in Chicago

For Arkansas Razorbacks fans, the Arkansas Razorbacks Chicago bars are:

Arkansas Razorbacks Fans in Chicago

The Arkansas Razorbacks have an established group in Chicago for Arkansas Razorbacks alumni and fans. The Chicago group is known as Chicago Arkansas Club and they have a dedicated Facebook page here: Check them out for more information on the Arkansas Razorbacks Chicago fan group, and view our full list of NCAA alumni groups in Chicago.

When do the Arkansas Razorbacks play next in Chicago?

The Arkansas Razorbacks are not scheduled to visit Chicago or Illinois during the 2022-23 season.